The piano position

Date: 09:21 AM 11/29/2007
From: Helena de la Gándara, Mean Machine PR
Please find enclosed the Mean Machine Farr 40 Press Pack, for further information about the team and the new boat. Thanks in advance, Helena de la Gándara
This team is pretty good about promotion, and usually has good information. However, when we opened up the attachment, we were confused over the crew jobs. So we wrote to Helena to clarify:
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:35:27 -0800
From: The Curmudgeon
Thank you for the information. On the crew list below, we do not know what position Sander fills. We have never heard of "piano" on a sailboat. - Scuttlebutt
Peter de Ridder Owner/ Driver
Ray Davies. Tactician
Dirk de Ridder. Mainsail trimmer
Jonathan Swain. Trimmer spi/genoa
Allen Smith. Bowman
Sander Van der Borch. Piano
Dennis Goethals. Trimmer
Joost de Graaff. Asst. trimmer
Sander Speet. Mastman
Emily Davies. Floater
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:41:26 +0100
From: Helena de la Gándara, Mean Machine PR
Good Morning! Thanks for your mail. You are completely right! Sander's position is as a pit. In Spanish "pit" and "pit assistant" is translated as "piano" or "ayudante de piano" (yes, like a music instrument) and in the Press Kit it wasn't translated! Congratulations about Scuttlebutt; Absolutely great! Regards, Helena de la Gándara
Okay, so now we know.
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But why?
Standard term that has been around since the first central bank of rope clutches (like the keys on a Steinway.) Likely as old as Howard clutches, and boats moving away from one dedicated winch per halyard. As above, "But why?!"
And did you know taht in brasilian it is called the secretary?
as a person who frequently does the Pit position - I like the term Piano, as just like playing the piano, you are ofen doing different tasks with each hand!!! Spin up, Topper up, jib down - NOW!
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