Morning Light
When I was at the Allianz Cup, I had the good fortune to meet Genny Tulloch, who is

Since this team will be filmed during the race, and that the hopes are for the completed movie to wind up in movie theatres, I figured that the finalists would be based not so much on their sailing skills as on their looks and personality. Surely this movie would not be about “sailing.” In this day and age of reality TV, the chemistry amongst the crew, or should I say lack of chemistry, would be vital for the success of the film.
Not so, said Genny. In fact, she believes the judging was based completely on sailing skills. The coaches really want the team to do well in the race, and she feels they selected individuals that would enable to the team to excel. She surely was not boasting about this – given that she made the cut – but rather admitting to being somewhat surprised as well. She had her list of hotties that she figured would have an awesome screen presence, but apparently their big boat sailing skills weren’t sufficient to keep them onboard.

After watching how exciting sailing can be portrayed from the videos listed on the Scuttlebutt website, I am pretty enthusiastic about this movie project. The impact of this project on the growth of sailing could be significant. – Craig Leweck
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