Letter of the Week
This letter came from Vernon Merritt, who felt strongly enough on this subject to dedicate 554 words to it. We felt strongly enough to post all 554 words here:

Everything that seemed good and right about having a knowledgeable Judge and the best attorneys that money could buy to parry back and forth over arcane but not inconsequential matters relating to the AC competition has apparently gone out the porthole. Whereas hale matters of precedent and procedure and the Deed all seemed as though they should be integral to the ever-changing lines of engagement, now the matters are fluff, hype, outright prevarication(s), and other deceptions. How can the process EVER permit such legal minds to engage so aimlessly and ineffectually in what should be purposeful fact-finding and argument? It is a disgrace. And it seems as if (despite the correctness of Judge Kornreich's bench decision re: venue) that you can see these dubious rulings, empty argument and et cetera coming in painfully slow motion. OUCH!
How does each billionaire hire such hapless legal talent?
How does the uber-well paid, hapless legal talent so ingloriously prepare for their supreme moment in the brightest limelight of this world's foremost yachting royalty? Not to mention just REALLY rich, REALLY well-connected society with REALLY big bank accounts and personal and professional legal matters they believe are REALLY important?? As in, a theater filled with potential future clients all easily capable of paying multi-thousand dollar/hour legal fees...
How does a Boies get away with NOT having anyone from Ellison's team at his side to not only provide him with helpful, necessary perspective on the case, but also to just shut him up when that would be appropriate?
How is a Judge at this stage of the game with this litigation and at the Supreme Court level permitted to simply state - in a potentially backbreaking, revisionist history kind of way - that there is an allegedly "unrebutted" affidavit re: the rules that really was already extensively "rebutted" in open Court by Jim Kearny? And then THAT statement is allowed to go "unrebutted" because Boies didn't have the aforementioned legal lieutenant at his side?
And no clerk there to whisper into Judge Kornreich's ear that Barry Ostrager was taking such liberties with the truth that her Courtroom was in imminent danger of becoming irreparably desecrated?
If there was ONE aspect of the entire - SO PREDICTABLE what with dueling, bratty, self-absorbed, "it's all about me" billionaires controlling events - AC33 acrimony that should have and could have been a source of peace, wisdom and common sense (especially with so much foreign media-types watching closely), it is the venue of the NY Supreme Court. So far, Judge Kornreich has proven that we cannot have faith for that. One can only hope that when she rules on the rules later this week, she reaches out to Cory Friedman for some much needed guidance!! It would seem that any perception of the good Judge as a masterful jurist is also at risk, as is any hope that the rest of the world will have faith in her rulings.
Oy vey!!!
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