Not Good Enough
We are not going to make this complicated. When you host a national, continental, or world championship event, you need to have a strong Internet presence. By that we mean - at a bare minimum - event info needs to be online before the event, and results need to be posted promptly during the event. Daily reports would be nice too.

The latest event that seems to be falling short of this standard is the Optimist North Americans in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. As this is the same town that ran the 2007 J/24 Worlds, and also failed to meet this minimum online standard, we are wondering aloud if the Opti NA’s will get it together in time. Here is a letter received today at Scuttlebutt from Bill Elmer:
“In some recent letters, the poor updates on event websites was lamented. The Optimist North Americans started Monday, qualifier major IODA event, 200 kids, worldwide participants, 30 US kids and as of this morning, they had not even posted the List of Competitors. I suspect less than stellar daily finish reports. Sad being in the states and not being able to see how your kid is doing.”
In fairness to the Opti NA organizers, Scuttlebutt has yet to see their website, as when we try to log-in we get “The webpage cannot be found” message. Nice!
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