Future gadgets

There is a protest protocol to deal with the ins-and-outs of this situation, but Mike Reifer believes there is a cleaner solution to this common occurrence. For the past 5 years, Reifer has been brainstorming a project to provide precise information regarding the proximity of a boat to a rounding buoy for the purpose of accurately defining the two-boat length zone and fairly applying RRS 18.

Initial applications could be in umpire format events such as match or team racing to assist in penalty calls, but with the advent of how tracking transmitters were used in 2007 for events such as the Sonar Worlds, J/105 North Americans, and this week at the Acura Key West to use for replaying races, perhaps an all-in-one device that handles all these needs (how about position on the start line?) might not be too far off in the future. -- For additional details on Reifer’s device: http://roab.com/index.html
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Sounds like a good idea but I'm skeptical. Even if you know when the lead boat reaches the two boat-length zone, there will still always be doubt about whether the other boat has an inside overlap. And that just doesn't only depend on the distance of both boats from the buoy but also the angle that the lead boat is sailing.
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