I Met Mr. Clean

* Terry Hutchinson’s mom: I am terrible with names, so I hope she forgives the reference to her famous son. It turns out that she is a huge fan of Scuttlebutt, and hopefully not just because her son’s name is frequently mentioned. While I have never met Terry in person, I have had great chats with him by phone and email, and if he is half as nice as his mom, than he maybe he is not as ornery as some have said.
* Bruce Farr: While I was studying one of the new imports from Vanguard Sailboats, I glanced to my side and found Bruce doing the same. Having never met him, I was quite taken by the range of conversation that he allowed us to have. We covered a lot of ground, and he provided some valuable insight that I hope to benefit from. We left with a handshake deal that he would answer my calls in the future, which will

* Ward McClatchy Jr: I’m not sure if the McLube lubricant has an equal for sailing, but this stuff has so many applications that it is hard to imagine. Produced by McGee Industries, this family owned business is now under the reign of Ward McClatchy. While the marine side of McLube is small potatoes compared to the rest of their business, you get the sense that Ward likes the sailing scene. He and I had great chats while getting overpoured at Harken’s industry party, and then later as we stumbled our way down to Mcgarvey's Saloon.
* Mr. Clean and Mer: These two are locals on the Sailing Anarchy site, and are frequently popping up on the event circuit. They are very passionate about the sport, and I was flattered that they tracked me down for a nice visit during one of the show events. I was relieved that their edgy, profanity-laced personas remained online, and that we could share an insightful conversation about the media, event reporting, and international culture (can’t get too specific about the later).
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