I want to see the score
I am enjoying the coverage of the 32nd America’s Cup. Every sailing scribe seems to be in Valencia, and many are producing insightful and entertaining copy. The online radio is succeeding in communicating the live drama, bouncing back and forth between

I watch a basketball game on TV, and the score is always in the upper corner. Same with most every other sport I can think of. The score is what I cling to, and my emotions change along with it. The technology is occasionally used to show who is ahead, and by how much, but I want that information in the corner of my television monitor…. all the time. The racers probably want it too, like players in all other sports. But for now, let’s not keep the viewers in the dark. Knowing the score will give life to the long grind out to the port tack layline. Knowing the score will confirm whether the trailing boat downwind is covering the boat ahead. If you tell me the score - all the time - I become emotionally involved in the show. I applaud the gains, and shriek at the losses. You give me the score, and you got me emotionally, and once you have me there, than watching sailing is just like watching any other sport. It becomes entertainment.
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