2006 US Yachtspeople of the Year
We think we are so sneaky by getting the jump on the Rolex voters, and letting the ‘buttheads decide who they think should win these annual coveted awards. The official vote isn’t until January, so we have effectively set the table for them.
But after reading the votes and comments, I am not sure if we have selected the Rolex winners or the Prom King and Queen. Don’t get me wrong; Jud Smith and Anna Tunnicliffe, who were our winners, are worthy of the award. But from the comments, you sense that Jud and runner-up Greg Fisher had tremendous support due to their involvement in popular US one-design classes. And for Anna, who absolutely crushed ISAF Sailor of the Year Paige Railey in the poll, it was evident that her involvement in college sailing and youth coaching had earned her major kudos amongst the voters.
Maybe the “emotional vote” came from our phrasing in that voters should be deciding not who will win, but who should win. Consideration will be given next year to take the nominees and call it the Scuttlebutt / Paul Elvstrom Award, where the premise of the vote will follow his famous quote: “You haven't won the race if in winning the race, you have lost the respect of your competitors.”
Sooo, if someone swipes this idea, at least I got into the blog now. - Craig Leweck, Scuttlebutt
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