A good day in the office
It's been a good day in the office today.
It started with Peter Isler turning in a report to us from Valencia that he penned during the Act 12 lay day. We regularly hear from readers that we carry too much A-Cup coverage, so you might wonder what is so great about another A-Cup report? It was great because it began with Peter getting pulled out into the late night bar scene by US Olympic partyer and skiier Bode Miller. There's more to the A-Cup than just gloss, so it was good for Peter to give us a bit of the action that doesn't normally make the press release.
Then came a story sent to us from noted author and sailing historian John Rousmaniere, where he provided his thoughts on the centenial Newport to Bermuda Race 2006. I had asked John about this on Monday, but he felt that he had too much on his plate to pull it off, and respectfully declined. Therefore, it was a nice surprise when it arrived. I have a hunch that John found himself needing to provide some personal closure on an event that he cherishes, and after five hundred words, he figured he found it, and we were just the means to provide it.
Other items of interest today included being mentioned in the Sailing Anarchy forums - always a thrill - this time regarding a letter we carried about potential problems at the recently held Etchells British National and European Championships. Maybe some day the anarchists will learn that there is no "F" when spelling "Scuttlebutt," but beggers can't be choosers. Also today, Scuttlebutt verbally agreed to partner with a major sponsor of a leading America's Cup team. It is always exciting when companies that netted 9 billion last year look to team up with us. Makes us feel special.
Look for this week's trivia and weekly video in the next day or two, which we finally settled on today. Got caught up on posting new classifieds too. Heck, from the sound of it, we might just get our act together here before getting to the holiday weekend (that is, if I can get around to sending in the monthly sales tax forms). - Craig Leweck, Scuttlebutt
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