Helping one person helps many
At Scuttlebutt, we have a huge, diverse audience, and we make decisions every day as to what this audience is interested in. These decisions are often not all that different than sail boat racing. You assess the situation, then go with your gut. We are not always right, but we sure try to be.
We are a small group here at Scuttlebutt World Headquarters, and our actions quickly follow these decisions. Today, I was looking through the recent posts on the Forums, and saw that one was seeking donations for the Leukemia Cup. This sailor had made a committment to raise money for the event, and he was asking for help. I figured that this was one of those times to make what hopefully will be a good decision.
I have no idea how many Leukemia Cups there are around the US, but I am pretty sure there are a lot. And it would stand to reason that for each one of these events, there are loads of people that are seeking funds for similar committments. Well, I know I can't help each one of these people, but I thought that if I could help one of them, than that would be the same.
Unless I am missing something, the money everyone raises goes to the Leukemia Society. So the issue is not who collects the money - it is that the money gets collected. Well, today I picked someone who I would like to collect the money for Scuttlebutt.
We have some banners on the website, which are linked to additional information. I hope that those who can help, will help. Click here for details. - Craig Leweck
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