Thursday, April 13, 2006

I need out of India

I want to start by saying that I have nothing against India. I don't know enough about the country to really have a position one way or the other. But after a week of solving some computer issues, and with every solution involving long conversations with tech help by phone, and with every support call going to India, I have just grown tired of making small talk with folks from India.

Every person I spoke with was very qualified to help me, but that was only once I could get past the challenging english dialect and scripted small talk that would fill the time while my computer was rebooting, reconfiguring, reinstalling, etc. Either these folks were reading from 3 x 5 cards, or they have spent too much time in western bars. "Where are you from? How's the weather? What kind of music do you like? Seen any good movies lately?" Heck, most of the time the only thing I understood from these folks was these inquirys into my private life. Hmm, maybe I have spent too much time in western bars.

I read this past week that the odds were good that if you were to pull into a McDonalds drive-thru line, that the person taking your order in the speaker would not be inside the restaurant, but rather in an out-of-state call center. Given that the computer and software industry have farmed out all their help to India, I guess that this idea with the fast food industry is not all that unique. I just hope that the voice in the speaker doesn't start making small talk during my order. - Craig Leweck

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