Lightning Circuit: Second Stop
North Sails rep Greg Fisher and his team of JoAnn Fisher and Steve Davis will be keeping us updated on the this year's Lightning Southern Circuit, which begins in Savannah, GA (March 11-12), and continues on to Miami, FL (March 14-15) and St. Petersburg, FL (17-19).">

The parking lot was buzzing with tension gauges, tape measures, and electric drills. Olympian Carol Cronin was even having her hair trimmed by Bill Fastiggi's teammate Chantelle Leger. The remainder of the circuit will be a bit different on our boat and for me. The class allows (and encourages) co-skippering throughout the circuit as long as the same team sails together. Steve Davis and my wife JoAnn will trade steering for the next two events with yours truly as crew. My hunch is that we will be relying heavily on speed and smarts, as I sense our boat handling skills might be taking a hit with me in the middle. JoAnn is steering here in Miami and Steve will steer in St Pete.
Steve is traveling with his wife Jan, who is the new executive secretary of the International Lightning Class. After watching them at work, we definitely have a great appreciation for their commitment to the class. Jan is on 24/7 taking calls, helping set up registration, and answering emails! Thanks to them both.
Our first race is at 11:30 am today, with a perfect 10-12 knots expected. We'll keep you posted with more info tonight. - Greg Fisher
View all Circuit reports:
Savannah, Miami (One, Two, Three), St Pete (One, Two, Three, Four)
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