Grenada Sailing Festival
(Photographer Onne van der Wal provides the following comments after returning from his assignment at the Grenada Sailing Festival - see photos)

The entertainment after the racing is hard to beat. The best parties are held at the True Blue Bay Resort which also happens to be race headquarters and home for the race committee and judges. From a superb steel band to the Tivoli drummers, its all native tunes and dancing for the merry sailors. It never gets too crowded at these parties, making it easier to socialize and get reaquainted with old friends.
The most exciting part of the Grenada Sailing Festival are the native work boat races held across the bay from St. Georges on Grand Anse bay. Along the beautiful long beach that serves as race headquarters for the work boats, there is a live band on stage with the local radio DJ giving a blow by blow account of the racing that is held within a stones throw from the beach. The crowd loves it, and as the day goes on, more and more empty little green bottles are found on the beach. The mood gradually livens up with more dancing and vocal involvement from the local spectators as they cheer on their local boat.
Each village from Grenada and the surrounding islands has a team. On Saturday and Sunday they sail several heats which end up with a final sail off on Sunday afternoon in 5 identical locally built boats. The prize for 1st place is $1000 US... a lot of money in Grenada! The winner of this race are the heroes of the day and they carry this honor for the next year when they come back to defend their title in the next regatta. Workboat racing is a very serious thing and many people come to watch it. The Grand Anse beach on Sunday afternoon looks like every person that lives at Grenada comes to watch the action.
I love Grenada Sailing Festival. Its an event where the locals mix with the visitors, who always have time for a chat and a beer. Everyone is having a blast racing and hanging out on an island that is not spoiled by tourists. I hope I will see you next year at the 2007 Grenada Sailing Festival! - Onne van der Wal
Click here to see Onne's images from Grenada Sailing Festival.
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