With eleven teams in contention, the winner of Tuesday’s race was the Luna Rossa Challenge 2007. Sure, the wind no-showed again, but that is not what the 32nd America’s Cup is all about. This event is going to be known for its immense Internet media presence, and the press release people for the Italian team were the first to send Scuttlebutt their daily email update. The other teams were soon to follow, and it is this stack of minutia that we filter through daily now that the event has officially started.
Each team’s media departments are part of the food chain for all the press outlets that are following this rendition of the America’s Cup. While Scuttlebutt’s regular online media sources have all ramped up for the event, there are plenty of newbies on the scene. Blog sites have made it inexpensive to enter the print field, and if the TV commentators can be half as amusing as some of the observations being provided, we are all in for an entertaining twelve weeks. Here are a few:
=> Rule 69 Blog (
rule69blog.com) Yachting commentator Magnus Wheatley has launched his site along with the start of the Cup, but expects to be around long after it. Look for his views to be lively and engaging, whilst not avoiding anything uncomfortable.
=> Got Live (
sailmagazine.blogspot.com) SAIL West Coast editor Kimball Livingston is now in Valencia providing entertaining and informative posts that will undoubtedly help to paint the complete picture for the faithful cup followers.
=> Mark Chisnell (
markchisnell.blogspot.com) Professional sailor and writer Mark Chisnell provides daily play-by-play in his 'Tack by Tack' site (see below), and then nicely ties it together in this blog.
=> Tack by Tack (
tackbytack.com) Professional sailor and writer Mark Chisnell is following the races, and typing minute-by-minute updates where he interjects his humor and experience to make for a good read.
=> Sail Juice (
sailjuice.blogspot.com) Journalist Andy Rice is among the writers contributing to the official event site, and has also started this blog to provide his additional personal insight.
=> Thoughts from the Blue (
peterlester.co.nz) This is the personal website and blog of Peter Lester, New Zealand based sailing consultant, Americas Cup commentator and elite yachting coach.
=> Valencia Sailing (
valenciasailing.blogspot.com) Among the grand daddies of the 32nd ACUP bloggers, Pierre Orphanidis' photos and reporting have helped to keep the event alive during the long training and preparation cycle.
=> BMW Oracle Racing Team Blog (
blog.bmworacleracing.com) BOR team member Tom Ehman has taken on the task of providing both insightful posts on his team along with an insider’s glance at the event.
=> AC 32 Challenger Commission (
challengercommission.com) Tom Ehman’s role with the Challenger Commission includes updating this site with postings of "official" documents to alert team and cup followers of their existence and nature.
=> Cup in Europe (
Cupineurope.com) Formerly the Hauraki News, this site posts news from various sources on all America's Cup related subjects.
=> Cup Info (
cupinfo.com) Providing numerous links for America's Cup news and information, along with updates from third party media outlets.
If we left out any sites, don't hesitate to send an email.