Saturday, December 24, 2005

Orange Bowl

Last week I was thinking about the Melges 24 Worlds, and how it seemed to be scheduled too close to the holidays. But that pales in comparison to the Orange Bowl in Miami, which has succeeded in putting the Christmas holiday on the bench, and placing itself on the court. Sailors are flying on xmas day to attend this event, and it is likely the largest junior event in the US. The recent thread of junior sailing going overboard might look to this event for some ammunition.

-Craig Leweck

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Friday, December 23, 2005

2005 Holiday Card

The 2005 Scuttlebutt holiday card used an image I had taken sometime after a junior fundraiser for the San Deigo YC (sorry but we can't send the cards to everybody). The event was raising money for a new fleet of boats, and they were selling the naming rights for each boat. While Scuttlebutt can't support every YC in their efforts to bolster their junior program equipment, I figured that I should support the program that my kids participate in.

- Craig Leweck

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Monday holiday

To avert total chaos within the 'butthead community, we want to mention that there will be no issue of Scuttlebutt on Monday, December 26. Hopefully you will be on holiday, or on the Sydney-Hobart race, and you will not miss your Scuttlebutt reading ritual. If you do miss it, and think that something horrific has happened to your email account or the Scuttlebutt website - relax. The team at Scuttlebutt World Headquarters is dealing with the holiday weekend and will be unable to get it together for the Monday issue. We'll be back Tuesday (or Monday night for those who are really antsy),

-Craig Leweck

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Where do we go from here?

Now that Scuttlebutt has a blog, what do we do with it? Do we give the keys of the cars to select individuals, and let them update us with whatever they are doing? Maybe a "Week in the Life of Joe Blow." We can't imagine that the world inside Scuttlebutt World Headquarters is interesting enough to portray - but perhaps there is enough going on outside our doors. Time will tell... stay tuned.

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